BBB Month 33 Workout Plan - PDFCOFFEE.COM (2024)

WORKOUT PLAN MONTH 33 – February/March 2021

Welcome to Month 33 of Booty by Bret! This month is a well-rounded plan *Please read the instructions and watch the videos carefully*

There will be up to three options with each movement for the full body days depending on the equipment you have available. Choose only ONE exercise per movement according to your set up:

Option A: Fully equipped home gym Option B: Partner Option C: No equipment at all The workout log will be left blank for you to fill in the exercise of choice for each movement pattern. *Remember – you have a free ten minutes at the end of your full body workouts to add in some exercises you’d like to focus more on. Detailed exercise demonstrations can be found in the Exercise Library. **You can join our Facebook Community Group using the name and email address you used to sign up for the Booty by Bret service** 1|P a g e

WORKOUT PLAN MONTH 33 – February/March 2021


A : Back squat 1 x 5, 1 x 3, 1 x 1* C : Bodyweight squat 3 x 30

A : Barbell bench press 1 x 5, 1 x 3, 1 x 1* C : Reset push-up 3 x AMRAP A : Stiff leg deadlift 3 x 10 C : Couch 45-degree hyperextension 3 x 20 A : Supinated pulldown 3 x 10 C : Inverted row 3 x AMRAP A : Band + barbell hip thrust 3 x 10 C : Single-leg hip thrust 3 x 20 each leg

DAY 2 A : Barbell hip thrust 1 x 10, 1 x 8, 1 x 6* B : Partner hip thrust 3 x AMRAP C : Pause single-leg hip thrust (3-second pause) 3 x 12 each leg A : Chin-up 3 x AMRAP C : Towel/sheet assisted pull-up 3 x 10 A : Db walking lunge 3 x 10 each leg C : Bulgarian split squat 3 x 20 each leg


A : Deadlift 1 x 5, 1 x 3, 1 x 1* C : Skater squat 3 x 8 each leg

A : Military press 1 x 5, 1 x 3, 1 x 1* C : Pike push-up 3x6 A : Pause goblet squat (1-second pause) 3 x 10 C : Pause jump squat (1-second pause) 3 x 20

Push-up 3 x AMRAP

Inverted row 3 x AMRAP

A : Nordic ham curl 3x5 C : Sliding leg curl 3 x 15

Shoulder- and foot-elevated single-leg hip thrust 3 x 12 each leg

* Week 1: Set a baseline Week 2: Focus on beating your set of 5 from the previous week while keeping the set of 3 and 1 the same. Week 3: Focus on beating your set of 3 from the previous week while keeping the set of 5 and 1 the same. Week 4: Focus on beating your set of 1 from the previous week while keeping the set of 5 and 3 the same.

(Same protocol applies for hip thrust – just for higher rep)

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WORKOUT PLAN MONTH 33 – February/March 2021

GLUTE DAY 1 (Mandatory)

GLUTE DAY 2 (Mandatory)



Extra range side-lying hip abduction 30 each leg Frog pump 60 Band seated hip abduction 20/20/20 ------

Side-lying hip raise 15 each leg Band standing glute kickback 20 each leg Lateral band walk 20 each leg Supine transverse hip abduction 20

Perform each glute day as a circuit for 3 rounds – rest 90 seconds between each round


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WORKOUT PLAN MONTH 33 – February/March 2021

DAY 1 Exercise 1 (CHOOSE ONE): A: Back squat: Choose which bar placement variation works best for you. Don’t go so heavy that your form suffers. Keep your wrists as neutral as possible and try to avoid hyperextension. Place your feet around shoulder-width apart and slightly flared. Your femurs will track over your feet with your legs pointing in same direction as your feet as you come up. Avoid shooting out your hips on the way up. Ramp up the weight each set. C: Bodyweight squat: Be sure to go deep – but be rhythmic. You can place your hands out in front of you for a counterbalance.

Exercise 2 (CHOOSE ONE): A: Barbell bench press: Find your optimal grip and line the bar with your nose/mouth area. At the start of the rep, lock out the arms, center and settle the bar, take a deep breath, and lower the bar to the chest. Your elbows should stay under the bar. You want leg drive throughout the movement (be on your toes, knees turned out, glutes turned on, chest up, low back is arched to spare your shoulders). On the way down, think of rowing your body to the bar - this helps you keep your chest up and use your lats. On the way up, think of pushing your body into the bench away from the bar. Ramp up the weight each set. C: Reset push-up: Keep your hands underneath the shoulders and elbows. Take a deep breath before you lower yourself and rest your chest to the floor for one second before coming back up. You can lift your hands up off the ground to reset.

Exercise 3 (CHOOSE ONE): A: Stiff leg deadlift: Position yourself to the bar and get the hips as high as they can go with the back remaining flat. Initiate the motion by driving the hips back. Maintain a neutral spine throughout. On the way down, skim your legs with the barbell and then let it drift out a bit once you lower past the knees. Note: this is not a straight leg deadlift; the knees will naturally bend, but the shin angle should remain vertical. 4|P a g e

WORKOUT PLAN MONTH 33 – February/March 2021 C: Couch 45-degree hyperextension: Have a partner hold down your working leg. Keep a neutral spine, come up and fire everything. Squeeze your hamstrings, glutes, and erectors. You can perform this off a bench or couch.

Exercise 4 (CHOOSE ONE): A: Supinated pulldown: Take an underhand grip on the bar. Get a full stretch at the top and pull the bar to your chest. If coming down deep enough to reach your chest is uncomfortable, then you can come down to below the chin. C: Inverted row: If possible, elevate your feet to increase difficulty. If it’s difficult to maintain form or reach full range of motion, your feet can be planted on the floor with the knees bent. Regardless, keep your chest and hips up so that your entire body moves together as your arms pull you upward.

Exercise 5 (CHOOSE ONE): A: Band + barbell hip thrust: If you have access to a Hip Thruster, you will place a mini band around each side of the barbell and secure them to the side attachments of the Hip Thruster. You can anchor these to heavy dumbbells if you don’t have a Hip Thruster. If you only have access to a long resistance band, you can place that across your lap and anchor the sides down with the barbell over your lap as well. Keep a forward eye gaze while keeping the chin tucked. Maintain a flat torso and make sure to reach full hip extension with a slight posterior pelvic tilt. Drive through the heels and don’t let your knees cave in. You can either come down and touch the bar to the ground or reverse in midair, whichever you prefer. If you do reverse in midair, make sure you come down deep. Ramp up the weight each set. C: Single-leg hip thrust: Center one leg in front of you and tap the glutes to the ground, then fully extend the hips and lower under control. Keep your spine neutral and hinge from the bench. You do not need to keep a forward eye gaze, just follow the movement of your torso.

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WORKOUT PLAN MONTH 33 – February/March 2021

DAY 2 Exercise 1 (CHOOSE ONE): A: Barbell hip thrust: Keep a forward eye gaze while keeping the chin tucked. Maintain a flat torso and make sure to reach full hip extension with a slight posterior pelvic tilt. Drive through the heels and don’t let your knees cave in. You can either come down and touch the bar to the ground or reverse in midair, whichever you prefer. If you do reverse in midair, make sure you come down deep. Ramp up the weight each set. B: Partner hip thrust: Begin lying against a couch with your knees bent and butt and feet on the ground. Elevate your hips to the top of the movement. Have a partner straddle your hips. Option 1: the partner faces towards your face and grabs a hold of their own ankles to keep their body off the ground the whole time. Option 2: take a slightly wider stance and have the partner facing away from you with their legs in between yours. C: Pause single-leg hip thrust: Center one leg in front of you and tap the glutes to the ground, then fully extend the hips and lower under control. Pause for 3seconds at the top of the movement. Keep your spine neutral and hinge from the bench. You do not need to keep a forward eye gaze, just follow the movement of your torso.

Exercise 2 (CHOOSE ONE): A: Chin-up: Do as many reps as possible. Starting from a dead hang, rise up and touch the top of your chest to the bar, then come down to a full stretch. Do not relax all your muscles at the bottom of the movement; keep tension in your shoulders. C: Towel/sheet assisted pull-up: Place a towel or sheet (tie a knot in one side) in between the door and doorway and make sure it’s secure. Hold onto the towel and perform assisted pull-ups (keeping your feet on the ground).

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WORKOUT PLAN MONTH 33 – February/March 2021 Exercise 3 (CHOOSE ONE): A: Db walking lunge: Take long strides and keep your front shin vertical. Keep your torso at a slight lean. You can either hold a dumbbell in both hands or one dumbbell in either hand. C: Bulgarian split squat: Keep your bodyweight over your standing leg, leaning over the foot. Sit back at an angle (you will end up leaning forward). For the next leg, match your standing foot, reach back with the new leg, and perform the set again. You can either hold dumbbells in your hands or use a barbell.

Exercise 4: Push-up: Position your hands such that when you’re at the bottom of the movement, your arms flare out at a 45-degree angle and your forearms are vertical. Take a deep breath before you lower yourself and touch your chest to the floor before coming back up.

Exercise 5 (CHOOSE ONE): A: Nordic ham curl: Lower slowly, focusing on the eccentric phase and then push back up explosively or crawl back up to the starting position. If you do have a training partner, they will put their thighs up against the soles of your feet and place most of their weight over your ankles during the movement. C: Sliding leg curl: You can use sliders, paper plates, towels, or socks on a slick surface. Start by bridging your hips up and bringing your knees to a 90degree angle. Slide your legs all the way to the bottom and slide them back up to a 90-degree angle in your knees. Keep your hips high throughout the whole movement.

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WORKOUT PLAN MONTH 33 – February/March 2021

DAY 3 Exercise 1 (CHOOSE ONE): A: Deadlift: Line up the bar across the mid-foot. Bend over and grab the bar, then do 3 things at the same time: 1) drop the hips, 2) extend the spine, and 3) pull down the scapula. Stand up with the bar without letting the hips shoot up. Once the bar passes the knees, pull it in so it drags across the thighs. When lowering the bar, push the hips back while keeping the shins vertical, and once the bar passes the knees, you can move the knees forward. Ramp up the weight each set. C: Skater squat: Put your arms out in front of you and lean your torso forward as you descend. Place a pad under your knee and touch down before coming up. You may only be able to come down halfway in the beginning. Start on your weaker leg and only match the reps with your stronger leg.

Exercise 2 (CHOOSE ONE): A: Military press: Start with a narrow grip on the bar. Keep elbows in, lean back slightly, and place the bar close to the suprasternal notch. Once the bar passes your head, push your head through and stand tall. Skim the face on the way up. While locking out, push the shoulders high. Ramp up the weight each set. C: Pike push-up: Elevate your feet and place your hands on the ground, placing your body in a V position. Perform push-ups from the vertical position. You may want to elevate your hands onto boxes as well.

Exercise 3 (CHOOSE ONE): A: Pause goblet squat: You will want to be in a neutral stance. Keep your elbows tucked because they need to go between the legs. Sit down (not back), let your knees drive forward and drop your hips straight down. Pause at the bottom of the movement for 1 second. C: Pause jump squat: Start with your arms out in front of you and come down as deep as you can. Pause for 1-second and then jump into the air. Land back in the bottom position of a deep squat and repeat. 8|P a g e

WORKOUT PLAN MONTH 33 – February/March 2021 Exercise 4: Inverted row: If possible, elevate your feet to increase difficulty. If it’s difficult to maintain form or reach full range of motion, your feet can be planted on the floor with the knees bent. Regardless, keep your chest and hips up so that your entire body moves together as your arms pull you upward.

Exercise 5: Shoulder- and foot-elevated single-leg hip thrust: Find tall benches to place your shoulders and foot on. Spread your arms out across the bench and center your working leg on the opposite bench. Start with your butt on the ground and lift yourself up to lockout. Allow yourself to look up a bit throughout this movement compared to keeping your chin tucked for normal hip thrusts. Don’t fling your body up; keep your body controlled through each rep.

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WORKOUT PLAN MONTH 33 – February/March 2021 GLUTE DAY 1 Extra range side-lying hip abduction: Lie on your side on a bench with your legs (from the knee down) hanging past the edge of the bench. If possible, get another seat or box of equal height for your bottom leg to rest on. Make sure that you keep the hip internally rotated (toes pointing down) and that you achieve a deep stretch at the bottom of the movement. Position your top arm so that you can feel your upper glute with your palm. This will ensure that you’re activating the target muscle throughout the entire range of motion. Frog pump: If possible, set up with a Bosu ball under your head (not shoulders) to help keep your chin tucked. Don’t let your knees fall too far apart, and make sure to drive through your heels into the ground (versus the full foot). If you don’t feel adequate glute activation, feel free to try a Glute Loop around your knees. Band seated hip abduction: You can either have a wide stance and move to neutral or a shoulder-width stance and abduct more. The first 20 reps will be leaning back, the next 20 reps will be seated with a 90° hip and knee angle (upright), and the last 20 reps will be leaning forward. Make sure you lean forward a lot in the last 20 reps to get a stretch in the glutes.

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WORKOUT PLAN MONTH 33 – February/March 2021 GLUTE DAY 2 Side-lying hip raise: Post up on your elbow in a side-lying plank position. Position the hips and knees at a 90-90° angle. Drive through the knee with maximum hip separation at the top of each rep. Extend up as high as you can! You’ll feel the exercise in both glutes. Take your time with the eccentric (lowering) phase. Band standing glute kickback: Stand on one foot and kick one leg back. As you kick back, flare out your foot to externally rotate and abduct the leg slightly. Squeeze the glutes at the top of the rep. If you want more range of motion, you can put the band up higher on your legs. Lateral band walk: Stay upright; do not squat through the movement. Think of pushing laterally off the ground with your leg, not reaching with the leg that’s up in the air. Supine transverse hip abduction: Place a miniband above your knees and lay on the floor. Put your legs in the air with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle. From this position, push outward as far as you can against the band before returning to the starting position.

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BBB Month 33 Workout Plan - PDFCOFFEE.COM (2024)


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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.